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Violence and crime, contemporary problems that are only present in a modern society

- The investigator Carlos Pletsch, talked about the implications of the modernity in which we could get rid of the violence

- This problems weren’t present in more traditional societies; societies weren’t as individualistic as today

Juan Luis Cornejo 21/10/2014

Modernity is good because it gives facilities, but it has other aspects in where we could get rid of the violence, said Carlos Pletsch, investigator and professor of the University of Denver.

“Violence and crime are contemporary problems, is something that happens in the modern society and wasn’t present in more traditional ones, but now it is possible because we are individuals.”

Pletsch explained that we still live in an individualistic society and we feel this as a normal thing, but at the beginning of the last century it wasn’t, it was thought that it could be a changing situation with a lot of social problems that writers who invented these ideologies were trying to solve.

“The big problem is individuality; we act as individuals and we don’t have the support of social groups, corporations that that had history in previous centuries to the XIX, and we are not aware that it could be different.”

Pletsch highlighted that the circumstances of the modern life, including economical, political and social, require us to think and act as individuals, something that was never done in the human century before the XIX century, and these circumstances were created due to the democratic and industrial revolution.

He said that individuality is not only a feature that distinguishes more developed individuals from the rare ones, different to the majority; it is also important to stress the condition of the majority of modern people without counting the social, educational, and personality class.

“Our separated existence constitutes the fundamental feature of the modern life.”